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Telluride Bluegrass Festival

A Walk Down Memory Lane

A Walk Down Memory Lane

A Walk Down Memory Lane

In the early seventies, the town of Telluride was wild with untapped creative energy and long haired rapscallions eager to take advantage of it. (To be fair this is still pretty much what it’s like, but you typically see better haircuts nowadays.)

This was a pivotal time for Telluride as the town’s economic engine was shifting away from mining and towards tourism, where it saw its potential as a mecca for free-spirits and outdoor adventurists. It was against this backdrop, a little bit of old and a little bit of new, that the Telluride Bluegrass Festival was born in 1974.

In preparation for our 50th celebration, we are diving into the history of the Fest. Join us as we take a trip down memory lane and revisit some of the most extraordinary Telluride Bluegrass moments.